Well, they've done it again. "THEY" is the Owen County Community Foundation. We like to think of them as OBF ("Our Best Friend").
"THEY" have awarded to Spencer Main Street, Inc.—your local, all-volunteer non-profit organization working to revitalize Spencer's Historic Courthouse Square—a Community Investment Grant that will allow us to complete the purchase of a collection of high-tech hanging baskets that can be watered with a new, manageable water tank and pump just twice a week instead of EVERY DAY.
Spencer Main Street is dedicated to beautifying downtown Spencer by purchasing and maintaining the 28 downtown hanging flower baskets each summer, from May through October. Spencer Main Street is also responsible for establishing and maintaining the three-block stretch of Railroad Gardens that run along the railroad track on Franklin Street. When our members pay their dues or make donations, some of that money goes to support these annual and ongoing expenses. We are so grateful to OCCF for the extra boost to enhance this project!
Spencer Main Street's Mission: Community collaboration dedicated to preserving and revitalizing downtown Spencer to enhance living and business
About Spencer Main Street, Inc.
Spencer Main Street, Inc., is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization founded in 2016, and it is an accredited member of the OCRA Downtown Affiliate Network.

About the Owen County Community Foundation
The Owen County Community Foundation (OCCF) is a public charity founded in 1994 as a resource to connect caring individuals withh causes they support, enabling them to make a charitable impact on the community. Since its founding, the OCCF has been able to grant more than $10.5 million to local nonprofit and charitable organizations in our community. The OCCF is committed to enhancing the quality of life for all citizens of Owen County, now and for generations to come. Fore more information, visit owencounty.org or call (812) 829-1725.
