What an opportunity we have to grow—with your help, and with the help of the Owen County Community Foundation! Through the Spencer Main Street fund established with the Community Foundation, your donations to Spencer Main Street during the month of February will DOUBLE—because the Community Foundation will match them dollar for dollar! Your $10 donation becomes $20! Your $75 donation becomes $150. Your $250 becomes $500!
You can make a donation in one of three ways. No matter which way you choose during February 2024, your dollars will be doubled.
• Go directly to the OC Community Foundation page and donate there.
• Go to SpencerMainStreet.org and donate there.
• Mail a check by February 29 to Spencer Main Street, Inc., PO Box 540, Spencer, IN 47460.
Your doubled dollars will keep the hanging baskets blooming. Your doubled dollars will help us festoon the downtown streetlights with the merriest of holiday decorations. Your doubled dollars will support us as we hold events that bring people to Historic Downtown Spencer: Tailgate Sale on the Square, VentFest, and Christmas at the Square.
We've always appreciated the support of the community. Please help us take advantage of the Community Foundation's generosity. Double your dollars for Spencer Main Street today!